Full refund months after pressure washing this filthy driveway

driveway cleaning grime line

Over the break I realised I never used this footage from a customers property.. A lightbulb struck and I thought why not surprise them months later and give them a full refund!

As you’ll see this doesn’t go to plan.. but with a local business getting involved – Old Bexleyy Soap donated a diffuser for the lovely couple.

Paula runs course on soap, candle and diffuser making.. they are that amazing.. she is in the top ten in the country! If you are thinking of starting a business in this industry. Old Bexley Soap is the place to start.

This video will leave you feeling good, With satisfying cleaning and pressure washing, clearance and my family outro at the end.. and remember kindness ripples. If you could Subscribe and join the journey and thank you for helping me helps others.

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